What is Hypnotherapy?

And what happens when we are under hypnosis?

During hypnosis, we enter a trance or flow state where the critical factor is turned off. The critical factor can be seen as a sluice gate between the conscious and subconscious. Our conscious mind can handle up to a maximum of 6 things at once, whereas the subconscious can handle up to 1000 things at once.

When we disable the conscious mind, we become capable of much more; you notice this, for example, when you become so absorbed in an activity that it seems to happen automatically: "Without having to think about it."

For instance, playing music, dancing, sports, drawing, but also solving problems or grasping complex matters. We utilize this during hypnosis. This way, under hypnosis, we can become aware of why certain problems arose and the causes of these issues can be effectively resolved in a surprisingly efficient manner.

Under hypnosis, I communicate with your subconscious mind, the part that governs your feelings. The subconscious mind doesn't respond to reason; it communicates through images and feelings. By directly communicating with the subconscious, significant changes can take place and endure over time.





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Succesvolle hypnose sessies

Jeroen Wessels Hypnose

Hypnotherapist in the Delft region with over 10 years of experience.

Jeroen Wessels Hypnose

Hypnotherapist in the Delft region with over 10 years of experience.

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