Rotterdamseweg 272 - Delft, Nederland
Stoppen met roken in slechts 1 sessie! GEGARANDEERD
You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
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You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
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You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
Neem actie nu je nog kunt lopen!
Voor eens en ALTIJD afrekenen met Overgewicht!?
You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
Therapies & Treatments
For patients with IBS, a special hypnotherapy program has been developed, called the gut management program.
The program is scientifically proven and the most effective method to guide people with abdominal complaints. 80% of people with IBS symptoms benefit from this. That's why hypnotherapy has been included in the Dutch General Practitioners Association's guidelines for IBS treatment, and more and more doctors are referring IBS patients to a hypnotherapist.
The program focuses on reducing the symptoms of IBS, such as:
Frequent abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, or diarrhea.
The number of sessions needed depends on your individual needs and symptoms. Generally, 6 to 12 sessions are recommended for the best results.
I will work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Six customized sessions (60 minutes) The package for € 699.00.
More Information
The Collaborating IBS Therapists:
NHG Guidelines for IBS:
Digestive System Foundation:
Education about IBS
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Visualizations with helpful suggestions
Relaxation exercises
Addressing underlying issues
Breathing exercises
Lifestyle guidance
Introduction / Trust / Growth / Stability / Challenge / Balance
Hoe zou het zijn...?
Als er werkelijk iets veranderd…?!
Je hebt al zoveel geprobeerd om vrij te zijn van het probleem waar je mee worstelt. Nu, of misschien al wel je hele leven.
Wil je er nu eens echt van af komen?
Van Overgewicht, angsten, depressies of verslavingen?
Als je er vanaf wilt kan ik je helpen. Ik kan je helpen je Onderbewustzijn anders te laten reageren.
Want dat oude gedrag is niet langer nodig. Dat oude gedrag is vroeger nodig geweest;
Maar nu niet meer!
Op een aangename manier Slank worden en blijven, kan al binnen binnen enkele sessies bereikt worden.
Evenals het tot rust brengen van Angsten, fobieën of neuroses. Het is al na één sessie mogelijk om definitief te Stoppen met Roken!!
Je Zelfbeeld verbeterd, Zelfvertrouwen neemt toe. Inzichten zullen tot je komen en je zult eindelijk Rust ervaren.
Meet Our Spesialists
We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them. We interview every potential partner in person before we agree to work with them, as well as carrying out rigorous background checks.
Contact Information:
Rotterdamseweg 272 - Delft, Nederland
Phone: 06-291 542 89
Chamber of Commerce (KvK): 68280424
VAT Number: NL1569711B45
RBCZ License Number: 230250R
NBVH Membership Number: 2022041
AGB Code: 9016080
Performance Code: 24501
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